Digitize historical records using the power of AI.
Unlock Efficiency & Scale
Use AI to digitize and index your records faster.
Every genealogy organization is facing a widening gap between the speed of imaging records and the ability to index them. Simply throwing more human capital at this problem is not the answer. Put our cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) to work digitizing and indexing your historical records in seconds instead of weeks or months.
We promise that you will be delighted by the speed, accuracy, and cost efficiency of employing Pixydocs’ AI platform to eliminate the gap between imaging and indexing.

"...this is the first IDP product that goes beyond basic extraction.”
- Brent wesler, PiF Technologies
Genealogy at scale
Fast, accurate, & cost effective digitizing & indexing of historical records
Deploy AI data extraction models coupled with rules to reach unprecedented scale and cost efficiency. Get results at record speed and in the data format you need.
Full Optical Character Recognition (OCR) transcription of the records being processed. Utilize our proprietary AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) to improve the quality and accuracy of your digital data.
Hire Pixydocs as an independent vendor to digitize your collections for you or deploy Pixydocs directly within your organization.
A new era has begun
We're reinventing the way records are digitized
For typed or handwritten text, AI can be a game-changer when it comes to digitizing your most critical records collections. OCR is simply not enough by itself and requires the help of AI to maximize its accuracy. Pixydocs’ proprietary AI and LLMs enhance the quality and accuracy of your digital data, doing so at unprecedented speed.
Harnessing the power of AI will allow you to scale your record digitizing to new levels without having to employ additional resources.
Digitize your critical record collections faster than ever before with the use of AI.
Flag problem documents and deploy custom AI models to learn how to correct problems.
Quality and speed at a price that outcompetes anything available on the market.
Automate every step of your historical records processing
Contact us today and we’ll show you how Pixydocs can easily automate your existing business processes with AI.